Friday, December 29, 2006

Much Pain To Be Had By All

So, I've had this massive toothache since mid October (right after going to the dentist for my semi-annual check up, mind you), and my regular dentist tells me that there is nothing more he can do for me, as the X-rays show nothing is wrong, that there is no cavity there, blah blah blah. Refers me to an endontist. (Root canal dentist).

I called the endontist on Monday, and they say that the earliest they can get me in is January 31st, and that I just have to live with the pain until then. At this point I cannot tolerate hot, cold, or neutral temperature items on the left side of my mouth, nor can I chew on that side anymore because it hurts way too damn much. But they say they will put me on the cancellation call list.

Fast forward to this morning. I get a call at 8:30 am from the endontist office. They have a cancellation, and can get me in at 3 pm this afternoon. Hot dog! I can have this painful tooth fixed by Christmas!

I call my insurance company, and they say that they will cover 80% of the bill if a root canal is indeed needed. Keep in mind that this procedure out of pocket full price would cost me $875. Covering 80%? Rock on! I should only have to cover around $172 of it out of pocket.

So, I go in this afternoon. Doctor plays around in my mouth, and says yes, I will indeed need the root canal, and they will do it right then. Awesome! He shoots me full of novocaine, and takes off for a few to let me numb up. The secretary comes in and says 1) My insurance company is saying that I have a hold on my account and cannot have any major procedures done until June 2007, and 2) that the insurance company only covers 50% if I can get them to cover it.

Now, obviously, we have a problem here. I don't have $437.50 on me, not even in open credit cards. Hello, it's the holidays! So, I call my insurance company, whilethe top half of the left side of my mouth is numb. I tell my insurance company that I have had coverage with them for over a year and a half, yes, it looks like there was a break in coverage but there really wasn't because I COBRA'ed out mine when Tom did not when he changed jobs, and then I was covered under him again. IT IS THE SAME POLICY! (We've been dealing with am I covered am I not since October..NEVER COBRA YOURSELF OUT AND NOT YOUR really screws things up). Anyway, I get it cleared to have the root canal now and the crown done on January 15th. They also admit that yes, it is in their notes that they quoted me 80% coverage this morning, but the girl I talked to screwed up and they really only cover 50%. Not their problem, what would I like for them to do? Uh...cover it at 80% like you said you would? Oh no..they can't do that. The plan says 50% blah blah blah. Long story short, my dad rocks and loaned me the money so I could get the procedure done.

Anyhow, so now my tooth is in screaming pain, and I have a low-level migraine because of it. The doctor said that the pain should be gone at max in four to five days, and then all should be good again. And then I should be able to eat, drink, and be merry again, pain free. Go me. Best part is, the tooth that had issues was one that had never had a filling, never had anything wrong with it,. It just got infected somehow.

Root canals suck. Yea pain medication.

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